Have you lost your sense of smell or taste ?
This is a recognised symptom of COVID-19 and for most people recovery happens naturally over 2-3 weeks. As with a cold / sinusitis or viral infection our sense of smell returns.
But for some it takes longer, if you are finding this a challenge there are things you can do to help support your recovery.
Justine Jackson our Clinical Aromatherapist can help to support you through the recovery process, using several essential oils to provide a ‘physical therapy’ for the nose at home much like physiotherapy for the body.
For further information and support have a look at the amazing charity Abscent it provides access to lots of educational information and support and the latest research from Doctors around the world.
If you would like any advice do get in touch
Take care x
Justine Jackson
Clinical Aromatherapist MIFPA
The photo is our latest team member ‘Miss Daphne Delilah’ ?