Everyone Should Try To Do A First Aid course !!
As part of our ongoing continual professional development at Bramhall Osteopaths, we have just done our 3 yearly first aid course.
Although it always takes time to organise, they are always fun, informative and great team building events.
Of course they may most importantly help us to save lives – at home, work or out and about.
This year we were lucky once again to have our course run by Phil Pease from Boval Consulting Ltd. What Phil managed to fit into a 6 hour session was amazing !
We covered everything from CPR to dealing with burns and bleeding. The way this is taught is constantly evolving – with CPR it is now cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths ( these are not compulsary in the present environment ).
You can still just about keep pace singing Staying Alive ???? !!
With burns they recommend only washing down with cool water, no creams etc. With severe bleeding if local pressure and elevation don’t sop it, the use of a tourniquet may be indicated.
We also went over how to use a defibrillator. These are now more commonly available and straight- forward to use once you’ve been shown.
So many more things were discussed with Phil and we went away feeling a bit more confident if we ever had to cope with someone involved in an accident or being unwell.
It’s a great idea to do as a family, interest group, work group or individually.
Phil was a font of information for us and had some great stories about working on film sets and major events. Always great to hear at coffee breaks.
There are many organisations that run courses including Boval, St John’s Ambulance and The Red Cross and locally Millie’s Trust.
Thank you to Phil and all who attended.
Jo Cheaney