BAGS, BAGS, BAGS ? ? ? ???
Women and also Men love bags – although men do tend to be more practical in their choices.
If you, like me, love ? and use handbags ? it is worth just having a little think about how they may impact on our body ?? and possibly even create or activate mechanical issues within them.
I often pick up patients’ handbags ?? (with their permission of course!) and can’t believe how heavy ?️♂️ they are.
If you think that you may carry this around with you all day, it is worth thinking how to minimise the impact this may have on your body.
Here are a few top tips:
1. Declutter your bag – fairly obvious but it is amazing what we tuck into our bags just incase we may need it. I try to have a major declutter every few months but also have a quick skim through each time I go out to check there’s nothing I really don’t need that day.
2. If you need to have larger items that are also heavy ie computers ? iPads or books ? consider a backpack ? or an across the body bag. These distribute the weight more evenly. They also leave your hands free which is a bonus especially if juggling small children, tackling public transport or standing around at events. There are now some really beautiful and imaginative backpacks which come in various sizes. I have a lovely collection for all events.
3. If you do want to use a handbag you carry in your hands or over your shoulder try to vary which side you do this on.
4. If using a bag to carry heavier shopping it is always worth splitting the load into two bags and having half the load each side. ??♀️Again there are some beautiful shopping bag designs, often that fold up into little purses that are perfect to have for emergencies – lightweight options in our handbags. These have also been a huge help in cutting down on the need for plastic bags.
5. Of course there is always the situation when out and out glamour is required and then we can just go for something beautiful. Fortunately these bags are usually smaller anyway and we don’t have to carry them for long – so just enjoy them ??
I hope this provides you with a few thoughts.
One of my favourite brands of backpacks is Orla Kiely ?
There are various sizes, designs and colours ?????❤️
Let me know what your favourite brand is ?
Take Care
Jo Cheaney – Osteopath